Master planning is a type of urban planning that pertains to the physical development of a city or town over the long term. It is intended to guide a community’s growth from a high-level perspective, focusing on ways to:

  • Preserve a locality’s unique character
  • Ensure diversity
  • Support investment
  • Promote desired change
  • Enhance a community’s livability and create a sustainable Development

Bahay sa Pinas Master Planner

will guide you for the standardization of the building and overall design of the development. It helps align the use and creation of land, public infrastructure projects, and buildings with the values of a locality.

This includes knowing how and if you’ll redesign or widen roads to avoid building in the path of a new road; rules for new housing developments; and how growth will impact police, schools, and hospitals.

A master plan format can vary, but is essentially a dynamic long-term planning document that provides a framework for future growth. 

Bahay sa Pinas

will help you think about your development.

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